When Can You Wear Makeup After Laser Cataract Surgery?
Cataracts are a cloudy area that forms within the lens of your eye. It develops when proteins in the eye clump together, preventing the lens from transmitting clear images. At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, we offer specialized treatment for cataracts in Los Angeles, CA. To resolve cataracts, we must remove the lens and exchange it with an intraocular lens to treat it successfully. Our eye specialists use the FDA-approved VICTUS Femtosecond Laser Workstation technology for cataract removal.
Benefits of the VICTUS laser
During laser cataract surgery in Los Angeles, CA, there are many benefits to using these lasers, including:
Minimize the possibility of eye distortion
Enable precision alignment
Live online viewing during the entire surgical procedure
Wide range of patterns to provide accurate shape
At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, we offer femtosecond laser cataract surgery to those looking to resolve their eye condition with a minimally invasive procedure.
Who is the best candidate for laser cataract surgery?
Almost any patient with cataracts is eligible for femtosecond laser cataract surgery in Encino and West Hills, CA. During a consultation with our highly-trained eye surgeons, you can learn about the surgery and determine if this treatment works best for your eye condition.
What to expect during laser cataract surgery
First, your eyes will be fully numbed. Using laser technology, we will precisely remove the cataract. Next, we will replace it with an intraocular lens. For patients with astigmatism, we use a different incision, the limbal relaxing incision. This arch-shaped incision is made at the edge of the cornea and leaves the cornea more rounded after surgery. Intravenous sedation with a board-certified anesthesiologist can be given during this procedure.
Recovery from cataract surgery
After surgery, you can resume all normal activities that same day except driving for 24 hours. We recommend they avoid getting water into your eye for one week, so swimming, saunas, or hot tubs are not advisable for at least two weeks after surgery. When showering, we suggest you just keep your eyes closed. Refrain from pushing, pressing, or rubbing on the eye when drying off. When it comes to makeup after laser eye surgery, you should avoid any makeup for 5 - 7 days. Because eyes heal differently, it’s important to consult with us before beginning your normal makeup regimen.
Postoperative eye drops several times a day help make your eye feel comfortable. You may have a scratchy feeling in your eye, but that should resolve in a few days. There may be some initial blurriness as it takes some time to heal after cataract removal. However, most of our patients at Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley report clearer vision up to a few days after surgery. We consider the eyes fully healed about a month after your laser eye surgery in Los Angeles, CA.
Learn more about cataract removal
When you’re interested in learning about laser cataract surgery in Los Angeles, schedule a consultation with our eye specialist. At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, we use advanced technology to perform eye surgery on patients of all ages. Allow us to give you brighter and clearer vision.