How Long Does It Take to Recover from MIGS?

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When it comes to having surgery of any kind — and particularly one that involves something as critical as your eyes and/or vision — one of the first questions you may have is how long your recovery will take. At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, our caring team of Los Angeles ophthalmologists understands the desire to minimize downtime after eye surgery so you can get back to work, exercise, and everything else life has to offer sooner.

For patients requiring glaucoma surgery specifically, we are proud to offer a range of advanced procedures — including minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) — that allow most patients to resume the majority of their normal activities within just a few days.

What is the recovery time after MIGS?

Compared to other options for glaucoma surgery, one of the primary benefits of MIGS is its shorter recovery period and fewer lifestyle disruptions. While each patient's healing timeline varies somewhat based on individual patient and case factors, most people can expect their MIGS recovery timeline and experience to look something like the following:

  • Minimal discomfort almost immediately after the procedure
  • Return to normal activities within a few days
  • Gradual improvement in vision over a few weeks
  • Full recovery within a few months

How will my eyes feel after MIGS?

Again, each person's experience with MIGS will vary slightly, but there are some general things you may expect following the procedure and in the first few hours or days thereafter. These may include:

  • Mild irritation or redness in the treated eye
  • Blurry vision, which gradually improves
  • Temporary light sensitivity
  • Mild swelling or inflammation

These symptoms and MIGS side effects typically subside within the first few days to weeks after surgery.

Is there anything I shouldn't do after MIGS?

Patients are often surprised to learn how little they'll have to adjust their normal daily routines during MIGS recovery. However, it is important to understand what things you may need to avoid or temporarily pause to allow your eyes to recover and reduce your risk of complications, including delayed healing. In general, MIGS aftercare guidelines may include:

  • Use eyedrops as prescribed
  • Attend all follow-up appointments as scheduled
  • Avoid heavy lifting or intense physical activity for at least a week, or as instructed
  • Wear sunglasses and eye protection as directed
  • Do not swim or otherwise submerge your eyes
  • Follow all postsurgical care instructions provided by our specialists

Is MIGS permanent?

For most Los Angeles area patients, MIGS results in the long-term — and potentially lifetime — reduction of eye pressures associated with glaucoma. Patients may even be able to manage their glaucoma without prescription medications or eyedrops following MIGS. However, it is important to understand that MIGS is not considered a permanent "fix" or "cure" for glaucoma and that future vision loss is still possible, though MIGS can significantly slow its progression.

Even after MIGS surgery for glaucoma, patients should continue with their regular eye exams as scheduled so that our team can monitor eye pressures and discuss future interventions if needed.

Choose modern, advanced glaucoma care and minimal downtime with MIGS

If you have been considering glaucoma surgery but are concerned about having to take an extended period off of work or simply have your usual routine disrupted for longer than you'd like, you may be excited to learn more about the minimal downtime associated with MIGS.

For more information on our complete range of MIGS procedures available near Los Angeles, CA — many of which can be combined with cataract surgery for added convenience when it comes to avoiding multiple recovery periods — call our knowledgeable team at Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley to schedule a comprehensive eye exam and MIGS consultation.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.