Answering Questions About Your Eyes and COVID-19
At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, we pride ourselves on providing helpful information that helps patients maintain their eye health in Los Angeles, CA. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s especially important to know how to keep your eyes safe and how the virus can affect your eyes. During an eye exam, we can help explain signs of COVID-19 in your eyes and ways to best protect yourself from contracting coronavirus. We offer these informative appointments at both our Encino and West Hills, CA offices.
Does COVID-19 affect the eyes?
It’s no secret that our patients at Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley want to have healthy eyes. When it comes to COVID-19, the virus is primarily transmitted in the mucosa, which is the watery mucus membranes found in different body parts, including the mouth, eyes, and nose. This area of the eye is usually infected by conjunctivitis or pink eye.
Eye protection, whether from an eye shield or goggles, helps reduce your chances of contracting coronavirus in your eyes. Usually, the eye is good at protecting itself; however, our doctors aren’t sure just how good it is, which makes using preventive measures important during a pandemic. However, just because the virus gets into your eye doesn’t mean you’ll get coronavirus. It must then get into your nose and mouth and into your lungs to infect you fully.
Do glasses protect against coronavirus?
Our doctors think that wearing eyeglasses may lower your chances of contracting coronavirus. This is because you touch your eyes less often when you wear them, and of course, they’re blocking your eyes from outside things, such as air or bacteria. This significantly lowers your infection rate. Your glasses serve as a partial barrier, which protects your eyes from a sneeze or a cough.
Cleaning your glasses well is vital as COVID-19 can live on hard surfaces. To sanitize them best, fill a spray bottle with ¾ alcohol (70% or more), ¼ water, and a few drops of dish soap. Apply the solution to your glasses and wipe the glasses fully. This is only recommended for patients without anti-reflective coating or plastic lenses, as the alcohol may strip this coating.
Is it safe to wear makeup?
Our doctors ask our patients to refrain from eyelash extensions as bacteria can live on lashes. Also, cleaning your makeup applicators or brushes is especially important to avoid getting harmful bacteria into your eye, nose, or mouth.
Should I wear eye protection to prevent COVID-19?
At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, our doctors aren’t sure if eye protection is enough. However, during an exam, we can explain what goggles and face shields can do, especially for caregivers, healthcare workers, and food service workers. This information can help you make an informed decision for yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How to keep your eyes safe
Some of the best ways we think that our patients can keep their eyes safe include:
Wearing a mask
Wear eye safety items, such as goggles or face shields. This is especially true for those on the frontline or around those infected
Social distance at all times
Wash your hands often
During an eye exam at OAV, our doctors can discuss our suggestions for keeping you and your family safe and your eye health intact during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Learn how to protect your eyes from COVID-19
At Ophthalmology Associates of the Valley, we help patients throughout Los Angeles, CA learn how to keep themselves and their families healthy. We focus on eye health tips, but can also provide helpful information from the CDC on how to reduce your risk of contracting coronavirus. At our Encino and West Hills, CA offices, we follow all of their guidelines closely to ensure our facility is as safe as possible. To schedule an appointment today, call our professional team.